My 8 year old son, my husband and I talked a lot about what qualities and skills we were going to need this school year to help us be successful. Last year our word was CALM. The word CALM will remain on the walls of our home and this year COURAGE will be added.
Merriam-Webster defines COURAGE as "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty."
We brainstormed a list of times that we will need COURAGE in the upcoming school year.
Here is a portion of that list:
This year we will strive to have
the COURAGE to go school - to embrace a school year that will be like no other.
the COURAGE to try new things.
the COURAGE to say "yes".
the COURAGE to say "no".
the COURAGE to make new friends.
the COURAGE to stand up to friends.
the COURAGE to wear a mask even when it is uncomfortable.
the COURAGE to tell others to put on their mask.
the COURAGE to be kind.
the COURAGE to choose self-care.
the COURAGE to be honest about feelings.
the COURAGE to tell the truth.
the COURAGE to walk away.
the COURAGE to stand your ground.
the COURAGE to admit we are scared.
the COURAGE to find solutions.
the COURAGE to advocate for ourselves.
the COURAGE to dream.
the COURAGE to fail.
the COURAGE to forgive ourselves.
the COURAGE to forgive each other.
the COURAGE to try again!
I wish you and your family lots of courage for the coming year! What a lovely idea :)