I created this activity as a follow up activity the 8th grade science teachers could use with their students after my lesson about news literacy. (Note: I am providing teachers with this lesson as I am only at the school one day a week. Ideally, I would do this with them.)
You can find a copy of slide here as well.
Sample of 8th grade student work. I was super impressed by the time and thought the student put in to evaluating and explaining what she learned.
TASK: Investigate a false claim related to CLIMATE CHANGE .
CHOOSE TOPIC: Use Snopes.com to select two claims related to CLIMATE CHANGE - have your teacher approve the claims you have chosen. REMEMBER WHAT YOU CHOOSE!
You will be using a Google Slide template that your teacher will share with you. Make sure you rename it to your last name and a couple words describing the topic. You will be deleting the text on each slide and replacing as directed.
For each topic you will:
- Slide 2: Read the Claim/Falsehood on Snopes and explain the claim in your own words.
- Slide 3: In 2-3 sentences explain the ORIGIN of the claim.
- Slide 4: Read the FACTS provided by Snopes. summarize and bullet the facts that you found most important.
Web Site #1
- Find 2 factual websites besides Snopes that disprove the claim.
- Slide 5: Write the name & URL of the first site.
- Slide 5: explain why you know the site is TRUE.
- Slide 6:Bullet at least 3 important facts from site.
Web Site #2
- Slide 7: Write the name & URL of the second site.
- Slide 7: explain why you know the site is TRUE.
- Slide 8: Bullet at least 3 important facts from the site.
- Slide 9: In 2-3 sentences write your personal conclusion about the claim on.
You may go back when you are done inputting data to change fonts or add graphics, but be sure to cite any images or multimedia as well.
You can find a copy of slide here as well.
Sample of 8th grade student work. I was super impressed by the time and thought the student put in to evaluating and explaining what she learned.
good way to challenge kids