Follett Discover in Action

I debated what to call this post... "Follett Discover in Action" or  "My First Attempt at Screencastify'"

I know many librarians and teachers are very comfortable recording themselves and I see why. The Screencastify Chrome extension truly simpliefies making tutorials on your computer. I tried to do it in all one take which was a mistake because I did what felt like a million takes. The first one my bracelets were too jingly, the second one I called John Green Tom Green. The take I am publishing her is far from perfect but you can see how the extension works and see the video I created to help our teachers learn about Follett Discover, the SSO login and the OneSearch integration with databases. 

Yesterday I put the WeVideo extension on Chrome so that next time I will be able to cut and edit and not do a million takes. I do enjoy the learning process!

